Citizens' Committee

Shannon's Citizens, collateral
damage of
national defence ? |

Welcome to the Shannon
Citizens' Committee Web site !
The site is in constant
evolution, please be indulgent !


The committee members are :
: Marie-Paule Spieser
V.P. Members : Jean Bernier
Dr Claude Juneau
and the
population ...
Address : 15 King's Drive
Shannon, G0A 4N0
Email :
Refer to
the lines with colored selection button at the top of this page to get to the subjects
(pages) on this site. You can easily surf by clicking on the different buttons or
highlighted expressions. Go step by step, and come back to this home page when you want
to. |
Here, you will get 'information concerning "Trichloroethylene",
TCE, and the situation in the municipality of Shannon. |
Trichloroethylene is a halogenated hydrocarbon, a volitile solvant, an organic
molecule. Complicated to your taste ? |
We will sort this out in the texts that
follow. |
*** For
registration forms to join the class-action group, click on the "Forms"
button at the top
of the page, choose the desired form and print it. For these registration
forms or instructions, or
if you think you
should be part of the class-action group, contact Mtre Charles Veilleux of the
lawyer firm
"Charles Veilleux & Associés, Avocats",
at telephone # 418-527-5257
or at the following email addresses : or
a button or buttons at the top
of the page do not appear, you are missing a
JAVA driver (program),
you should
install it or have it installed. Go to
*** If you
witnessed or know a witness of a situation, if you have
some information, some writings,
some photos, some interesting testimonies
concerning the subject, contact us and leave your
coordinates, we will contact you.
*** Please ! Sign the
following visitors book and you can also reach us for questions, information or remarks
on this site.
We appreciate your comments !
Even for corrections !
*** If you wish an answer to a question, please leave your email
address in the visitors book or better,
try by
Thank you
very much.
Visitors book :

This page was updated on the 26/08/2011, it will be updated as often as possible.

What's new ?
Wednesday July
6, started a 6 week break in our procedures in Quebec
Superior Court.
The class action lawsuit will resume on August 29 2011.
Come listen to, and see by yourselves the defence
and SNC-Lavalin witnesses. And it's
not over...
July 4, we were already in our 7th month of
procedures in Quebec Superior Court.
Extra Flash Info...

have been in Quebec Superior Court for the past 4 months. Come see by yourself.
If you are not called as a fact witness, you can
come any day.
Super Flash Info...
At last, elections
are over at the federal
level. No change for Shannon Citizens. |
 Saturday November 13 2010
was held at the Shannon Hall the Remembrance day in Commemoration of the Victims deceased
of TCE exposition in Shannon.
names where read with full respect and humility
underlining the memory of some persons who lost
their lives in tragic circumstances following their
exposition to trichloroethylene (TCE) and their
degradation by-products. Despite the sadness in our
hearts, that day testified our commitment based on
respect, dignity, integrity, honour, patriotism and
Yes, these values still exist.
truly moving testimonies, where given.
Thank you to all who where present and had their
heart on their hand. Some people do have compassion
for their family and co-citizens.

problems that can be caused by TCE...


those films...
- Quand l'eau vous empoisonne",
Nicole Giguère, at "productions THALIE",
and "Bombes à retardement",
by Guylaine Maroist
Éric Ruel, at "productions de la Ruelle
believed in "A Civil Action", you believed in "Erin
Brockovich" ?
down and wait until you see...
Canadian militaries are irradiated with neutrons and gamma
films deal with frankness, confidence, integrity,
honour, honesty, loyalty and respect
that prevails with the federal government, the national defence, the army,
the military units, the ministry of Veterans affairs,
our ministers who represent us…
and, us...
the lying at us like rugs or not ? ... And it is not over... It
Petit is today a retired military. While in the forces, he came
and settled with his "belle", in Shannon in July 2001,
a few months after the announcement of the contamination in
Shannon. He now studies to be a history teacher. He wrote a very
good book on his experiences in the Canadian forces.
we know but, do not dare say.
is worth reading. "Quand les cons sont braves" (When
idiots are brave), at "vlb éditeur".
evening in SUPPORT of Alexandre Mallette-Lafrenière,
17 years old,
a succes...
9 700 thank-you's, Thank you very much
drawing by Métyvié on the 25-02-08, congratulations.
Find the
two mistakes...
discovered a very very interesting video on YouTube
at this address
Today the
18-02-2008 in the "Soleil" news paper we learn that, according to
the environment minister, the first clues of the presence of TCE date of 1994... Here is a funny letter from 1992...

On this
17/04/2007 :
Click on
the link (the red expression) that immediately follows
this paragraph, to visualise
the "Public Notification of the Class Action"
in the Quebec Superior Court.
of the Public Notification of the Class Action"
You can read the Superior Court decision
by clicking on "Jugement Recours Collectif Shannon". 03-04-07
site «The TCE Blog» at address contains
information about our dossier.
On this, the 22/03/2007, we get the
news that the procedure for collective suit in the case of the "TCE,
trychloroethylene" contamination is awarded by the Quebec Superior
court. The suit is awarded against the federal government (Valcartier
military camp or base or garrison or uss and the Valcartier research centre for defence
and SNC-Tec inc.). A must to follow…
the gouvernment of

this 4th of March 2008, at last provincial elections ?... Make
your opinion known. Congratulate or blast out but, make your opinion known.
It as not moved much for Shannon citizens.
Around this early March,
not wanting to only address the Quebequers and to limit us to the idea of
the possibility of a Quebec provincial election, we also address the whole
of Canada. A good news... A federal election is coming up in Canada ?
Who helped us most since the year 2000 ? The C.P. or the L.P.C. ?
Maybe the N.D.P. ? Difficult to answer ! An election is coming !
Your opinion counts, let it resonate !
you name Canadians in office or were in office since 2000 and who did
something tangible and significant in defence of the Shannon
population ?
you name a federal Prime Minister who did
something tangible and significant ?
you name a Quebec provincial Prime Minister who did
something tangible and significant ?
you name a Canadian defence minister who did
something tangible and significant ?
you name a Canadian general (4 ranks) who did
something tangible and significant ?
you name a Canadian colonel (2 ranks) who did
something tangible and significant ?
you name a federal environment minister who did
something tangible and significant ?
you name a federal health minister who did
something tangible and significant ?
you name a federal minister who did
something tangible and significant ?
you name a Quebec provincial environment minister who did
something tangible and significant ?
you name a Quebec provincial health minister who did
something tangible and significant ?
you name a Quebec provincial minister who did
something tangible and significant ?
you name a federal or Quebec provincial deputy representing Shannon who did
something tangible and significant ?
you name a federal deputy who did
something tangible and significant ?
you name a Quebec provincial deputy who did
something tangible and significant ?
you name an employee or ex-employee from national defence who did
something tangible and significant ?
you name a military from national defence of Canada who did
something tangible and significant ?
you name an employee or ex-employee from SNC-Tech or SNC-Lavalin who did
something tangible and significant ?
Somewhere, I have
read the preceding lines before... The more it changes and with time
passing, the more it is the same.
At the beginning of
February 2007, at last a
grand Canadian, a scientist, an upright person and of renown is coming to
the true defence of Canada and the planet. He is starting a crusade for
the defence of the environment and with the weight and the opinion of all
of us, the politicians could finally pass from words (since 1980, the
Canadian and Quebec politicians have had a lot of them) to action (since
1980, the Canadian and Quebec politicians have not had a lot of it).
A few years back, Vassyl Petrovitch
Boychuck, an uncle of mine was part of a tri-party (Canada, United-States
and Russia) scientific naval expedition to the Grand Canadian North. This
trip on a Russian vessel and its scientific personnel were directed by the
one David Suzuki. Among other things, this scientific voyage wanted to
demonstrate the deterioration of the ice of the Grand Canadian North lower
and above the polar circle. The expedition reports were enunciator of a
situation that is even worse today. We are polluted, we are contaminated,
are we abandoned and what are we doing ? It's not moving too fast for
Shannon… for Quebec… for Canada… for the Earth.

David Suzuki takes a stand
for the defence of the environment of Canada…
Hubert Reeves knows about
the Shannon contamination situation by the national defence… he
sympathises with us.

On this end of
January, a good news... A provincial election
is coming in Quebec ? Who helped us most since the year 2000 ? The P.Q. or the P.L.Q.
? Maybe the A.D.Q. ? Difficult to answer ! An election is coming !
In this month of January 2007, a
Good and Happy Year Full of Health. Not much is new and our demander and the Shannon citizens are
still waiting for the
decision from the Quebec Superior Court in the acceptation of a collective
But while waiting, here is an
interesting photo : Who can tell what
is encircled in red ? And in
what year was this photo taken ? Write us... In the "Visitors book"
or at the address at the bottom.

Yesterday the
20th and today the 21st of June 2006, billions of $ are raining
on the national defence and the Valcartier military base, but how much for
the Shannon citizens and the militaries that drank and lived with TCE contaminated water by that national defence and SNC-Tec during tens of
Et c'est pas fini... (like that French Quebequer song)
Following the
13-06-06, our demander and the Shannon citizens are in waiting for the
decision from the Quebec Superior Court in the acceptation of a collective
suit against the national defence (Valcartier military base) and et
The 13th of
June 2006 is supposed to be the last day in Québec Superior Court for the audition of the
demand for the authorisation of a collective law suite in the case of the TCE contamination in Shannon. You are
all invited to come and hear the last words of the federal government (national
and SNC-Tec. The hearing will be held in room 3.26 at 10:00h at the Palais de Justice de

morning on this 12 January 2005 which saw our friend Vincent Vachon leave us for happier
skies. Our most sincere condolences to his wife, Hélène, and all his

On the night of the 3 to 4
December 1984, man produced one of the worst environmental tragedies on planet earth. Did
you know that there are many points linking this tragedy with the Shannon

In the notice boards lower in the
page, we see that in the month of November 2004, the two Valcartier base wells were
contaminated with TCE. Valcartier garrison experts asserted that there would be no
contamination and surely not in there new P7 well. Je me souviens...
week of the 15-11-2004, our friend, ex-resident and ex-brother of the Shannon Fire Dept,
Vincent Vachon, started his radio-therapy treatment for a brain tumour. He has kidney
cancer (he lost one a few years back), lung cancer and brain cancer. He staid for some
twenty-five years on Savoy street (TMQ), Cannon, King, "Lilac-des Mélèzes",
Grogan and Conway street. He was wedded with his sweet Hélène on the 14-11-2004 in
Shannon. Congratulation and we are sincerely and with all heart with you.

was a "agreement" between Shannon and the government of Canada (Justice Canada).
DND can now drill characterisation wells (»
1,5 M$) in Shannon and give Shannon the TCE results of tests on these wells. It was already drilling wells
in Quebec city and giving the results to Quebec city but was refusing to give the results
of the Shannon wells to Shannon ! Bizarre... And, DND found 100, 200 and 1 100µg/L of TCE
in Shannon.

this Monday 8-11-2004, Paul Martin set foot in Shannon, Quebec. Yes, that one... The right

this 12 Oct. 2004, we receive information from the Quebec ministry of the environment,
that it did not come to see the Jacques-Cartier river to investigate the nice foam that
was floating (see photos lower) on our salmon river since the 10-10-2004 at 18:00h, it did
not come to take water samples for analysis and that...

the 9 Oct. 2004, Shannon helps the canadian government, the national defence ministry and
our canadian militaries by giving permission to five F-18 canadian fighters to land on its
territory. Bravo Shannon !

Something new. These last few days, end
of September, has the Quebec government (transport ministry, hydro-quebec
) given it's OK ! to the federal government (national
defence ministry) to drill verification wells (piezometric) to be able to sample the water
at different depths and know the TCE content of these samples and lets wish, in ammonium
perchlorate ? It seams to be , yes
There is
possibly the environment
ministry and the wildlife and parks ministry that gave their OK! for wells in Shannon.
But, neither the Shannon municipality, neither the provincial
government organisms, neither the Shannon residents will be able to get these results.
Bizarre, very bizarre ! And, if a well shows a TCE level of 2 000 µg/l (ppb) or
70 000µg/l, this will be hidden from us. Bizarre, very bizarre. The federal
government is asking the Shannon citizens to do the same as the provincial government. Why
A Shannon citizen is proceeding for a collective law suit against
the federal government and SNC-Lavallin.
Shouldn't the Quebec government and its ministries and organisms
help this citizen and the Shannon municipality ? Bizarre, very bizarre.

In the past few years, we have learned
that we, our soil, our air and our water where contaminated with gas, with diesel, with
oil, with fire fighting foam, with a bird, with MCE (VC), with DCE, with TCE, with PCE and
uncountable other products
On the 22-09-2004, we are informed by the
Valcartier base of a new product in our underground water table and that the "FLAVOUR
of the WEEK" is "ammonium perchlorate". Think of a space
shuttle lift-off. It is riding piggyback on a big hydrogen and oxygen tank (often orange).
On each side of this big tank are two long and thin booster rockets that help on lift-off.
These two rockets are fuelled with a solid fuel (its gas) witch is named
"propergol". The principal component of propergol is ammonium perchlorate (other
kind of perchlorate also exist).
Well, it's this product that
finds itself in the base Valcartier and Shannon water. And, that's on top of all the other
products. Hard to answer question
What will be the next flavour ? The question is
out. Have-we already ideas ? Some effects cause by this product are dysfunctions of the
thyroid gland up to thyroid gland cancer.
When the Valcartier base gave its aqueduct system
to Shannon, it did it with the knowledge that the water table and system was contaminated
with TCE and other products.
In the 2004 spring, following the 56 M$ suit
against the federal government (department of national defence) and SNC Lavallin Inc., at
the signature of the 19 M$ out of court settlement, the Valcartier base knew since at
least 2002, of a possible contamination of the underground water table with ammonium
Do we see a tendency here ? His that what we call
transparency, cooperation and communication ?
Surely a forgotten chapter by the authors of the
book "Le centre de recherches pour la défense Valcartier", is the chapter (8.4)
on the fallouts of contaminants in the air, in the soil and water

are photos of the salmon river Jacques-Cartier taken on the 11th of Sept. 2004
between 0900h et 0930h... Yes, yes, the 11th of Sept., not the 11th of Jan. Why are there
no salmon in our salmon river ? These photos are from Ste-Catherine de la Jacques-Cartier
going towards the Shannon bridge. This means that this foam comes from upstream of
the Shannon bridge... But, this foam probably disapears with no traces when it reaches the
limits of Ste-Catherine de la Jacques-Cartier... There was nothing at Clark
bridge in Saint-Gabriel de Valcartier. What is the Quebec environment ministry doing ?

(parts per billion - ppb) |
United States, 5 ppb except
 | Arizona,
3.2 ppb |
 | Florida,
3 ppb |
 | New
Hampshire, 2.8 ppb |
 | Rhode
Island, 2.5 ppb |
 | Wisconsin,
1.8 ppb |
 | New
Jersey, 1 ppb |
European Union, 10 ppb (including PCE)
New proposed value, 3 ppb (TCE alone) |
Australia, 30 ppb |
Canada, 50 ppb |
Quebec, 50 ppb |
Valcartier military base, 50 ppb |
Shannon, 0,7 ppb |
TCE in the Valcartier
military base drinking water in 2001 ? (EPA norm = 5ppb) |
Month |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
April |
Mai |
June |
July |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
P2 Well |
2,8 |
,81 |
,35 |
ND |
,38 |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
P4 Well |
,11 |
,16 |
ND |
ND |
,42 |
,13 |
ND |
ND |
,17 |
,21 |
ND |
,32 |
P5* |
11 |
? |
? |
? |
37 |
36 |
45 |
64 |
3,5 |
28 |
30 |
29 |
ND = not detected, does not mean zero
TCE in the Valcartier
military base and Shannon drinking water in 2002 ? |
Month |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
April |
Mai |
June |
July |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Well |
ND |
,11 |
,17 |
,22 |
,94 |
,71 |
2 |
2,1 |
3,1 |
1,7 |
3,9 |
2,2 |
Well |
ND |
,37 |
,31 |
,32 |
,5 |
,58 |
,35 |
,37 |
1,3 |
,83 |
1,3 |
1,3 |
P5* |
22 |
ND |
18 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
91 |
44 |
81 |
78 |
87 |
90 |
Well |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
,53 |
ND |
? |
? |
? |
,48 |
ND |
* Water not used for drinking since ??, it was dumped in a salmon
TCE in the Valcartier
military base and Shannon drinking water in 2003 ? |
Month |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
April |
Mai |
June |
July |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Well |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Well |
0,83 |
,79 |
0,82 |
0,80 |
0,75 |
0,64 |
0,45 |
ND |
ND |
1 |
0,52 |
0,76 |
P5* |
100 |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Well |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
© In
January 2004 the Valcartier garrison was injecting water et 24% of the EPA norm and
the future CANADIAN norm on TCE, in it's "drinking water" holding thank.
in the Valcartier military base and Shannon drinking water in 2004 ? |
Month |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
April |
Mai |
June |
July |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
P2 Well |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
P4 Well |
1,2© |
1,1 |
0,94 |
0,85 |
ND |
1,1 |
1,1 |
0,9 |
? |
0,99 |
0,77 |
P5* |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Well |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
ND |
0,14 |
For more, go to "Old
News"... by
clicking on the corresponding button at the top... |
commentary, testimony, preoccupation, editorial, opinion or question !
: |
The Shannon Citizen's Committee
wishes to thank Soheil Nakhostine ing. M.Sc. for the presentation made on
September 18th 2003 in Laval for , Counselling in Engineering since 1976,
in the framework of the "26e
Symposium sur les eaux usées et 15e atelier sur leau potable". In this presentation entitled " Traitement
du TCE dans leau potable de la base militaire de Valcartier par une technologie aux
ultraviolets ", Soheil Nakhostine ing. M.Sc. used a
representation (drawing) of the TCE molecule created by the Shannon Citizen's Committee.
Soheil Nakhostine ing. M.Sc. even created an exploded view of the TCE
molecule drawing. Thanks a lot.
When must the ACTIVATED
CHARCOAL in a filter be changed ?
If the army feared for the
Shannon population, should the Shannon population fear for the army ? Should the Shannon population fear a general
panic in the army ?
What is meant by the honourable
Arthur C. Eggleton, Minister of national Defence, by water of high quality and
clean ?
Is the water from Valcartier
base contaminated ?
What is NTA, nitrilotriacetic
acid ?
What is a trace, a trace of TCE,
a trace of PCE ?
The value of the Québec
Ministry of Environment ! We knew it but... There is the Law of silence... Robert Monderie
puts forward that we should rebuild a Ministry of Environment in Québec. Thinking of it,
not a bad idea...
What are the Provincial
government parties doing ? The P.Q. ? The Liberal party ? Are there any others ?
In the news on the
6/06/2002, another difficult question to answer ? Do we give preference to jobs or public
and society health in the story of the pig industry in Quebec ? Jobs or health, jobs
or health, job or health ?
Do you know since when
the Valcartier military base gets rid of open sky sewage water on land that doesn't belong
to her ? Does she dump some at other places ? And to who belongs the land where the
Valcartier military base discharges some sewers ?
when did the Valcartier military base knew about the "369 lagoon
or X lagoon" ?Since
when did the Valcartier military base use the "369 lagoon or X
lagoon" ?
Since when did the Valcartier base military police knew about the "369
lagoon or X lagoon" ?
Since when did the Valcartier base environment officer knew about "369
lagoon" ?
Is there a communication plan ?
Is there any transparency ?
In any case, the sewage water of the "369 lagoon or X lagoon", it, was not transparent ! |
( )
You can contact me, P. Jean Bernier, by
clicking on the address that follows :